Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mommies don't cry

After a long day of following my girls around the house picking up after them, wiping poop from wiggly booties, breaking up arguments, making meals, cleaning up dog pee from the carpet, and trying to catch one minute of privacy in the bathroom with no success, tears filled up in my eyes as I sat on the living room floor and began to cry. My 3 year old princess walked into the room crying about the 2 year old taking a Barbie from her and she suddenly stopped, took a deep breath and said, "Mommies don't cry". At that moment, I started laughing uncontrollably and hugged her tightly. I said, "Oh yes we do, sweet pea. Just not about toys." She started laughing and trying to make me keep laughing. I think she was a little taken back by my tears and wanted to make sure I didn't start up again.

I believe that her thinking mommies don't cry is a little telling on how they see me as a mom. Mom's are the caregiver, the emotional support, the compassion giver, the counselor, the intervention specialist, and, of coarse, somewhat of a maid. I'm not supposed to cry. I'm supposed to help them when they cry, right? Right? Ha. When I told my husband about it he was quite amused. He knows that I am a little (OK, a lot) weepy at times. Music is my number 1 cause of tears. Songs that remind me of people or events can bring me to a gasping sob. I often laugh at myself in the middle of it all.

I believe that it's important for the girls to see me cry. They need to know that I'm human, too! I make mistakes. I say things that I shouldn't say. I have grumpy days just like they do. I think that the part that is beneficial to them is when I sit down with them and share what I'm feeling. They need to hear me say I'm sorry when I've been grumpy or I've done something that upsets someone else. They need the example of being able to stop, step back and put a situation into perspective. They need to see me make right a wrong I've done. They need to hear me pray and ask God to forgive me of my sins. I want my girls to know how to ask for forgiveness from others and from God. I know that's one of the best lessons I can teach my princesses!

I cry. I sin. I am a mommy and I wouldn't have it any other way!

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

"A woman wears her tears like jewelry." ~Author Unknown

"The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears." ~John Vance Cheney

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sharing God's Love

As I've been talking about Christmas with my girls and sharing the story of Jesus' birth with them, I keep thinking about what it would be like if Mary and Joseph came to town today and needed help. What would we do? Would we invite them into our home to help Mary with her delivery? Would we offer them some food and drink? Would we keep our door closed and tell them that we will call 911 to get someone there to help? Would we hand them a slip of paper that tells where there are shelters? I believe that in this time when there are so many people trying to take advantage of us or steel from us, it would be hard to open the front door to our house and let a stranger in. I can't even begin to name all of the stories I've heard of people getting attacked or hurt when they become vulnerable by opening a door or rolling down a window for a stranger. It makes me sick to think of someone's kindhearted gesture turning into a tragedy.

OK, so what can I do to help a person in need? What do I give to the pregnant woman on the street or in the store? How do we teach our kids to love as Jesus did? How do we help strangers without putting ourselves in danger? For me, I want to tell my kids to just stay in the house and play Barbies all day with the doors locked and the windows barred. Ha. Like that would work out. They would be climbing through vents and breaking windows to go outside and enjoy some fresh air and run free! Our purpose in this life is to share the love of God with others and to help save the lost. I know I can't fulfill my purpose locked up in my home. What I have decided at this point in my life and my girls' lives is that I need to lead and teach by example. I can show kindness and love to every person I come into contact with and give what I can to the people in need around us. Open doors for the elderly or handicap. Give clothes that I don't wear that are still in good condition to places that will give them to those in need. Share God's word with the children that I teach at church and invite everyone I can to join me on Sunday mornings. Give a hug to someone who is down. Send a card to a sick friend or relative. Talk to and listen to the kids at the school and look them in their eyes so they will see that they are important enough to stop for. Encourage another mom. Tell a child he/she is special. Instead of buying myself a small useless item, get something for the school or church that can be used by someone other than me. Smile and use kind words. Stop and read a book or listen to a story with my girls even when there is laundry to do or dishes in the sink so that they know that they are important and loved. Do I have to let strangers in my home? Absolutely not. Would God want me to give a ride to someone on the side of the road? Of coarse He wouldn't. But He would want me to be the most caring, loving, accepting, listening, forgiving, giving and sharing person I can be. It doesn't cost money to share God's love in all that I do! Every day. Not just at Christmas time!

To answer the question I first put out there, I would probably keep the door closed and call 911 for help.

What does the Bible Say?:
"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." Hebrews 13:16
"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galations 6:2
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12
"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others"
Philippians 2:4

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Born Again

Tomorrow is Easter. We've been reading about Jesus at bedtime a lot lately and talking a lot about what Jesus did for us. My girls are so excited to learn more and ask a lot of questions. On April 1st, my oldest daughter told me, after reading about Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection, that she wanted to ask Jesus to be in her heart forever. She said that she has wanted to for a long time but didn't know the right prayer to say. She said that she believed that Jesus died on the cross for her and that she believes that the bible is true and that she wanted to live doing the things Jesus wants her to do. I told her that all of the things she had just told me she just needed to tell God. SO, she prayed and then jumped into my arms with excitement. She was happy to be told that she now has two birthdays and how fun it will be to have her birthday on April Fools' Day. It was wonderful and emotional! Of coarse my 4 year old, after listening to all of this, said "I believe it too, I know it's all true." She said this as she looked at herself in the mirror and played with her hair. I told her that she and I could talk later about it! She was really excited for her sister and has been letting people know the good news!

It seems to me that we worry too much about saying the right things to God instead of just talking to Him from our hearts. I needed her to know that she didn't have to say a certain prayer in a perfect way but that she just needed to let God know how she felt in her own words. Her prayer was beautiful and genuine. How sad that she waited because she didn't think she was going to do it right. God listens to our prayers but already knows what's in our hearts. He just wants to have a relationship with us and for us to give Him our hearts.

I pray that all of my girls see the beauty of God's love and that they will all give Him the opportunity to have a lifelong relationship with Him. He gave us freedom and peace and "loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life!" (John 3:16) I'm honored! I'm thankful! I'm so happy to have Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior!

Friday, March 26, 2010

If You Can't Say Anything Nice

Lately I've been saying the same type of things to my girls over and over: "What would you want her to do if the situation was turned around?" "Would you talk to your friends like that?" "Would you do that to a friend?" "Your sisters are your best friends and they will be in your life forever. Do you want to hurt someone that you will know forever or do you want her to have the best memories of you as possible?" The answer to these questions are usually what I want to hear but there is the occasional pause that makes me wonder what they are thinking. I think we've all been just a bit irritable for the past couple of weeks since we've all been sick with ear infections, bronchitis, runny noses and all the things the constant changing in our Tucson weather brings at this time of year.

Since I don't have any sisters, I don't know what I would have been like with someone of my own gender. I think I would have been a lot like my girls. They get along wonderfully most of the time with the occasional grumpy or emotional outbursts. I have a great relationship with my brothers although I know I was a bit of a bother at times. I thought, since I was the only girl, that I needed to help my mom with the mothering. For some reason my older brothers didn't respect me the way they did my mom. Ha. I guess I was a smidge bossy and stubborn but I wasn't all that bad. I used to long for a sister and I remind my girls, on a regular basis, of how lucky they are to have each other. How fun to have a friend from birth until forever. I want to teach them to love each other unconditionally and endlessly. I think they are on the road to a lifelong friendship although there are days when it wouldn't seem so.

Luckily kids are able to forget about the words they speak to each other. I can't remember any of the unkind words spoken to me as a kid but as adults we remember and take to heart the words we hear. That's because now that we are adults we should have good enough filters to leave out the unkind thoughts we have. I'm trying to teach my kids that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. This is great, in theory, but can lead to hurt feelings if taken too far. I've watched them give the silent treatment after I say this to them and the other one says, "Now she's ignoring me". I want them to understand that the words we say and the actions we take can hurt more than getting punched in the gut. The bruise will heal but our hearts and minds CAN remember forever.

That's where I then must teach about true forgiveness and letting things go. I think my parents were great examples of loving unconditionally and forgiving others when they were wronged. I want to be an example in the same way. Forgiving my girls and others when they accidentally say something that hurts and in turn having them forgive each other when they lack a filter or say something unkind. My job as a mom is to live my life in a way that my girls will learn what is right and wrong. I may not always know exactly what to say to heal the hurt feelings they get, but I can show them, in my everyday life, what I do when I get hurt. Hopefully I will make Christlike choices resulting in my girls doing the same.

"A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult." Proverbs 12:16
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1
"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit" Proverbs 15:4
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24
"He who loves a quarrel loves sin:he who builds a high gate invites destruction." Proverbs 17:19
"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21
"He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity." Proverbs 21:23
"An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips." Proverbs 24:26

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Colossians 3:13

Monday, March 15, 2010


During my first year of teaching, I had my students study the life cycle of Manduca Worms. Although it was a great learning experience, I would never do it again. It was just a messy and very time consuming experience. I made food for the students to feed the worms and ended up having to take them home for Christmas break. These worms go through a stage called the wandering stage. They circle around in their food just before they go into the cocoon stage and then change into moths. It's pretty amazing really! My students loved it and I loved watching the kids learn.

My 1 year old is reminding me of a Manduca worm right now. She just turned one last weekend and is also now a walker. She is a bit clumsy at this point but is getting pretty good. She just walks in circles around the room or goes into the hall then turns and walks back to her original spot. It's pretty amazing how quickly she just let go of the couch or table and started walking! She is in a wandering stage. I can see how she is changing from a baby to a kid. It all happens way to fast!

We have some big changes going on in our family. Not only is the baby changing by turning 1 year old and walking, but she's now got 4 teeth and is I just stopped nursing her this week. I decided it was time since she seemed to be playing more than eating and it no longer served the purpose of getting her to sleep at night.

Another change in our family is that my 4 year old just went to kindergarten round-up and is getting ready to start school in the fall. Seems like I just brought her home from the hospital. It's crazy to think that I'll have 2 kids in school. I often tease her saying that I'm going to keep her home and home school her. She's not willing to consider that. She's growing up so much and is such a precious little girl. I'll miss having cuddle time while the younger 2 are napping! She is going to do great hanging out with all of the kids and she's already really smart!

My 2 year old is also going through an exciting time. She's getting potty trained. She's doing a good job of it! I think we change her pull up at least once a day, but she's letting us know when she needs to go and usually makes it to the potty. She went 4 days on vacation only having an accident 2 times. We went to Disneyland and she did a fantastic job there. Of course when she pooped in her pull up, we had been standing in line for a long time. I changed her pull up in line and did the best I could at cleaning her up and hiding her tush from the people around us. I wasn't about to loose our place in line! :) She's probably about 3 or 4 weeks from underwear. I'm so proud of her and she is feeling pretty proud as well!

My 6 year old is changing a bit herself. She seems to be growing up so much lately. She's such a lovely little girl and is going through the "I want to grow up but want to stay little" stage. I want her to stay little but I know she's enjoying being big. She's reading everything and we are no longer able to spell things that we don't want them to find out because she figures it out right away. We just found out she got into the gifted and talented education program as of next year! We are so proud of her! She's so smart!

So, this is a change filled time for all of our kids which in turn is a big change filled time for me! I'm adjusting to all of the changes but am having some growing pains in the processes. It's hard to watch them grow up so quickly and it's also a bit scary to think of all the things that they will someday be exposed to. I try not to think about the teen years because that's just too much to handle right now. Oh the fun we will have when all 5 girls in the house are going through their monthly visitor at the same time. Poor daddy will need to build himself a bomb shelter to hang out in for a week each month! I think he'd be happy with that as long as he has some Dr. Pepper, food and a computer!

I know that God uses the changes in our lives to teach us things and I just pray that I'm not too consumed by them to learn from them and enjoy them. I'm also trying really hard to live in the moment and not think too much about what was or what is going to be! The girls do and say the most wonderful things every day and I don't want to miss anything! I am so blessed to have healthy little girls that I can hug, kiss and love every day!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One Day At a Time

I have had the opportunity to organize my laundry for the past hour. I must admit (with embarrassment) that I have about 20 loads to do. Yikes. I think about 5 of them are big blankets or sheets that we just pulled out of the garage from our move (2 years ago).

I can remember the day we brought them inside to wash. I had just started feeling a little better about the laundry when my husband began handing me things and saying "take this inside to be washed." I wanted to scream. We did however have some sort of animal that had made a home in our garage and everything desperately needed to be removed and sanitized! Yuck. So, all of my progress with the laundry seemed to be thrown away and I now had an even bigger pile to take care of. I started feeling overwhelmed and like a laundry failure (again).

Today I am starting my reorganization and I am committing to getting it done. It will take me at least 2 or 3 days to wash it all and probably another day or two to get it folded and put away. I'm just going to do it and recruit my 3 bigger princesses to help me as much as their little hands can. When I look at the laundry area I feel like I will never be able to complete the task but I'm trying really hard to just take it one load at a time. I can do it!!

Life can become overwhelming sometimes just like the laundry. Things can begin to pile up (always one more thing on top of everything else). If we look at all of the different tasks and responsibilities we have collectively, it can seem impossible to do. But if we take it one thing at a time and one day at a time, we can accomplish all of it. (Especially if we ask for some help from the people around us and from God). God even took 6 days to create this world and everything in it. He didn't try to cram it all into one day. He even needed a mental health day at the end to relax and enjoy what He had accomplished! :0) My goal is to complete my laundry, and all of my other household and motherly duties, one task at a time without complaining!

Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us. Isaiah 26:12

So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

And, whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 4:10

Monday, February 15, 2010

Protecting My Girls

I'm having one of those days when I feel like I could cry about anything at any moment. Nothing in particular is going on, just thinking about lots of stuff. Some of the things that are most on my mind are the hearts of my girls and how to guard them from pain. My oldest is one of the happiest and most fun loving girls I know and things bother me more than she seems to be bothered in her own life. I never want her excitement for life to fade. She is friends with all of the kids at school. I don't think she's really gotten into arguments with anyone and she's always so confused about why kids are mean or why they fight with each other about silly stuff.

I've noticed a lot lately that the girls in first grade are already wanting to be "popular" or want to be cool. I know a lot of it has to do with TV and all of the big kid shows that are being advertised for all ages. Kissing, fighting, boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, leaving kids out and all the other things that I didn't think I'd have to deal with until high school or MAYBE junior high. It all makes my stomach turn upside down and I feel sick about it. I think about how nice it would be to just take her out of school and protect her from everything but I know that she'll have to deal with it at some point. I guess it's better for them to experience the little things now, when I can talk to them about choices and what kind of friends are good for them, than when bigger things like drugs, alcohol and sex are the issue. I hope they will all continue to talk to me about things as they get older. I know God will protect them and I just need to do my best to raise them the way I feel is right, teach them right from wrong and pray.

I found myself at the verge of tears when I dropped her off at school today because I was worrying about her having hurt feelings about a party she wasn't invited to and many of her other friends went to. They were talking about it and she didn't seem like she cared but I know that it must make her wonder why she didn't get invited. I wanted to turn around and pick her up so she could come home and not have to listen to it (we could just do crafts, sing and dance all day). That's part of life, right? They won't be invited to everything but I need to show them that missing a party or some other event isn't going to change their lives. Those are the little things! We had a fun weekend and it doesn't matter what other people were doing. So, as I drove, trying not to cry, I started praying for peace and wisdom in these situations. I need to trust that God will guide my words and show me how to teach them what's important in life. I do feel better after praying and talking to MY mommy but I still want to go and rescue her!

Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

All of your sons will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children's peace. Isaiah 54:13